Bmr new features

Layout Tutorial

After opening a music example, you can page it using the menu

How to do it:

  • Download the example "bach_1" from the library.
  • Open the EasyReader program (If this is the first time you use the EasyReader program, we invite you to read the tutorial first. You can reach it through F1 key. If you have already experienced the program, then you can try the new features for the pagination).
  • Import the example downloaded before.

It was automatically generated from a score that was kindly supplied by Monza BIC.
Now, before changing the page layout, try to explore the music piece. You will notice the transcription follows the “Section by section” mode, yet, thanks to the automatic pagination system, you can change its structure.

To do that:

  • go to Pagination menu.
  • select “bar over bar” mode. A window will appear with three fields to be completed ("Character per line", "Spaces after part name", "Spaces after part name").
  • Set the first field at 30.
  • Set the second one at 2.
  • Set the third one at 2.

Confirm with OK. After a few seconds, you will see that the score was totally re-paged. Now the bars are vertically aligned. If you want to eliminate the text at the beginning of the page, you have to fulfil the following procedure:

  • Go to Process menu.
  • Select “Hide elements”. A list of “check boxes” appears.
  • Select “text”.
  • Select “number”.
  • Select “unknown”.
  • Confirm with OK.

Now, you can see that the music score starts on the first line and all the introductory text was hidden. We invite you to try the different pagination modes.
For example, you can extract all the right-hand notes. To do that, follow these steps:

  • Go to Process menu.
  • Select “hide parts”. A window opens showing the list of the score’s parts. In this case, you will read the symbols for right and left hand.
  • Select the left-hand check box and confirm with OK.

Now the score contains only the right-hand notes. If you want to listen to the piece, go to Play menu and select “play full score”, then press Enter. We suggest you to listen to the piece with the metronome enabled. Follow the previous procedure and open the “midi Player” window, enable “Use metronome”.Enjoy the piece!


Now that you have only one hand, you can eliminate all the blank spaces by paging again. To do that, go to Pagination menu and select “Single part”. Now you have just cleared up the piece, leaving only the musical elements. If you want to save the score to print it according to the new pagination mode, you have to follow these steps:

  • Go to File menu.
  • Select “schumann_op_124_n2.bmml”.

After that, another window will open to select the conversion table.
In this way, you saved this file just for your printer.